To view any quote to check the details, amount or to accept the quotation simply do the following:-
- Visit
- Select the Client Log in menu.
- Select the green Manage button located under the Services & Billing heading.
- Log into your Services account. Use the 'Forgot Password?' button if you would like to reset your password.
- Click the Billing menu and then select My Quotes.
- If you wish to view the details of the quotation select the Download button.
- If you wish to accept the quote select the 'Delivered' button located under the Stage column and then click on the Accept quote button.
Selecting the Accept quote button will convert the quotation into an invoice for the services that you have requested. A non-accepted quote is valid for 30 calendar days after which another quotation must be requested. Please bear in mind that not all quotations are sent via your Services account but which will still be converted to invoices within your Services account in accordance with what was agreed.