To provide another person access to your account or a portion of your account you would do the following:-
- Visit
- Select the Client Log in menu.
- Select the green Manage button located under the Services & Billing heading.
- Log into your Services account. Use the 'Forgot Password?' button if you would like to reset your password.
- Select the Drop-down menu on the right hand-side and select User Management.
- Scroll down to the Invite New User section
- Enter the email address of the person in your organisation you would like to send an email invitation to.
- If you would like this person to access and manage all parts of your account, invoices, services, support tickets, orders and your personal information select the All Permissions option.
- If you would like this person to access just your hosting account to manage your website select the Choose Permissions option and place a tick next to the following options:
- View Products & Services
- Perform Single Sign-On
- View Domains
- Now select the blue Send Invite button. The person you have invited will now receive an email explaining that you wish to provide access to your account to them. The invitee can accept the invite by clicking on the blue 'Accept invitation' link provided.
- The invitee will now be asked to either login with their existing account with us if they have one, or register a new account in order to accept their invitation.
- Once the invitee has logged into their account they will be prompted to select the Accept Invite button.
- At this point the invitee will be able to access the areas of your account that you authorised above.
Please Note: If you wish to change or revoke their access rights at a later date, you can do this by doing the following:-
- Select the drop-down menu on the right hand-side and select User Management.
- To change their access rights select the Manage Permissions button.
- To remove all of their access to your account select the red Remove Access button.
It is important that you only provide appropriate access to a person that you trust who is apart of your organisation.