Where do I find my website visitor statistics? Print

  • visitor statistics, website traffic, web stats, awstats
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To access visitor statistics for your website there are several options that you may like to access.


For a basic overview of the number of visitors simply access the statistics panel of your website by:

1. Going to https://www.blackmoonhosting.com and selecting the Client login menu.

2. Type your website address (i.e. blackmoonhosting.com) in the Manage website box and select the green button.

3. Login to your Services account.

4. Now select the Settings button and select SEO and Meta tags.

5. Select the blue-coloured Statistics text link.

You should now see data relating to visitors that have reached your website today, yesterday, within the month and in total. The unique total count refers to each of the devices, such as a mobile phone or tablet, that have accessed your website once in the given time period.

Example: Joe visits your website from an iPad 4 times in a month; Joe's first visit is counted towards the unique total for the month.


Visitor statistics

The visits count refers to the total number of devices that have accessed your website in the given time period; repeat visits from the same device are logged.

Example: Joe visits your website from an iPad 4 times in a month; all of Joe's 4 visitations are counted towards the visit count for the month.



For more detailed visitor statistics there is the option of integrating Google Analytics, Tag Manager and Pixel into your website. Please refer to step 5 above.




If you would like to see verbatim visitor data that covers their device type, country of origin, the particular pages they have visited and similar detailed information you can access this by:

1. Going to https://www.blackmoonhosting.com and selecting the Client login menu.

2. Select the green Manage button under the Services & Billing heading.

3. Log into your Services account.

4. Select the Services menu and select My Services and then click the green Active text next to your website address.

5. Select Login to cPanel from the left hand side menu.

6. Search for Awstats and select it.

7. Select the View text next to your website address with the (SSL) suffix.


You should now be able to see detailed visitor statistics.




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