A subdomain is a customised text portion of your internet address (i.e. joebloggs.co.uk) which prepends and is separated from your chosen internet address name (i.e. joebloggs) by a period. An example of this may be support.joebloggs.co.uk or contact.joebloggs.co.uk .
If you would like a subdomain for your website please contact us for assistance.
If you would like to add a subdomain to your website, please follow these steps:-
- Visit https://www.blackmoonhosting.com and clicking the Client login menu.
- Under Services & Billing select the green Manage button.
- Log into your Services account if you are not already by supply your email address and password followed by clicking the Login button.
- On the Products & Services page click the green Active text that corresponds to your website
- Under the Quick Shortcuts heading select Subdomains.
- Under the Create a Subdomain heading, enter your desired subdomain into the Subdomain text box then select the blue Create button.